Friday, December 11, 2009

what I have learned this semester

this semester hasn't been much of what i have learned but more of what i have gone back and refreshed from high school, in which it has been good for many of us in class to go back and refresh our materials. one thing that i have learned has been the issues that we went over from king corn and chew on this,I'm now more aware of what products not to eat. one thing that has helped me in our RD class has been the mastery test from each chapter because it provides the info from the reading which allows you to go back and review, this helps review and understand the reading assignment better.the biggest thing i liked and my biggest help was the revision of our essays that we worked on EN this semester, going back the revising over and over really helped me improve my writing specially of some yrs out of school my writing just dropped and the revising work really help me get back on track. going back and reviewing what i have learned has been my biggest help in this semester for both RD and EN.

Friday, November 20, 2009

kinn corn/chew on this

i have learned so many new things from king corn and chew on this involving of my daily eats that i was lefted speechless..ikno that many in class felt the same way! how gross, i had no i dea that we are made of corn simply because of what we daily consume is fed with corn and how we are pretty much eating pesticide's because that's what the daily meat and fruits that we consume fed,i truly feel like taking a stand it time that we are all told exactly what is the secret ingredient in our foods.

I've gotta give it to President Obama, he keeps it real when it comes to speakingout, on an interview he was asked what he thoughts were on the kanye west vs. Taylor Swift issue , he just simply replied " that was on called for,o and my favorite part how he thinks kanye West is a Jack A** how funny is that! :P

lets c ...on wed.morning i had a plain bagel with a cup of coffee for breadfast later on for lunch i had a salad with chicken and rice with corn which was some leftover from dinner which my cousin prepered, ever since i moved out from my parents i have been eating heathier especially for lunch one reason i live with my cousin now and they alwayz (just like in my parents house they always cook)i cook to when ever i get the chance and the other reason is my job..because i getout of school and have to go right to work i dont have time to stop by any fast food resturants WHICH BY THE WAY IS GOOD specially after reading CHEW ON THIS!!!!!!EWWW!! N.E.WAyz later on i had a tuna sandwhich with some apple sauce and orange juice for dinner....i have been eatin pretty boring lately but healthier i guess!

Today T.V is way over the top with reality shows , but how real are they really! I personally watch reality shows it make sound weird but they cheer me up, i find them so hilariously funny, watching people making a fool of themselves like I love money, Real Chance of love or I want to work for Diddy(who I personally think is a halfwit, I mean why would you want to work for someone that can't make up this mind about his name!,but then again $$) shows like that are just pain funny of how people have no shame favorite part of all is that there is usually one bad apple out of the group that always stands out with their bad behavior which i personally think they create to get Heidi and Spencer from the Hills they did so many bazaar acts like starting a rumor about LC just to get known as the (spitrie) the most hated T.V couple!!AS they love to call themselves ENTERTAINERS!! (some reality more like what i would do for money) but then I also watch shows like Sober House with Dr. Drew which shows celebrities going through rehab, you really get to see the bad side of their addiction another show that i think is pretty real would be the Biggest Loser it show people that are struggling with their weight go through their daily challenges of reaching their goal of getting to a healthier life style. my opinion on Reality Shows can go both ways on whether its real or not , it really just depends on the shows. One thing i will say real or not they sure are ENTERTAINING!

so far from reading the chapters in the book i have learned that it relates alot to real life situation specially what happened to devona having a baby at such young age which is something that i see alot these days. well and as for the book i think its interesting how it relates to real situations but at the sometime it gets pretty boring at some chapters but the good thing is that all the chapters are very short. i can wait to see what happens next, hopefully the story will pickup a little.

Tradition in my family for Christmas Eve is getting together laughing being LOUD (straight up Dominican) playing loud music and of course lost of FOOD!! one big Dominican dish tradition in my family is Ensalada Mista wich is pretty much egg salad with many different vegetables, Habichuela Condulce and Sancocho which is a stew like dish with lost of different things in it..i wouldn't have the time to describe, the Christmas Eve dinner is usually shared with lost of fruits,nuts and different types of Dominican candy like Manzana de navidad (aka apple) or coquito, and of course no big Dominican meal can be left with out LIQUOR!! we love to drink!! specially during the holidays a topical holiday drink would be Ponche Crema De Oro (its like irish cream but stronger) and vino Caballo blanco which is a Dominican red wine, very popular wine in DR for the holidays( which have been drinking since i was 8!! its normal for kids a sip of wine during the holidays in DR.) best of all the big tradition in my family is being together drunk and loud but a loving family.

can't, I won't, I can't
I won't let you leave
I don't know what you want
You want more from me

She said to him, "I want you to be a father
He's your little boy and you don't even bother
Like 'Brother' without the R and he's starting to harbor
Cool and food for thought but for you he's a starver?

Starting to use red markers on his work
His teacher say they know he's much smarter but he's hurt
Used to hand his homework in first
Like he was the classroom starter?

Burst to tears, let them know she see us
Now he's fighting in class
Got a note last week that say he might not pass
Ask me if his daddy was sick of us
'Cause you ain't never pick him up?

?You see what his problem is
He don't know where his poppa is
No positive male role model
To play football and build railroad models?

?He's making a hole, you've been digging it
because you have not been kicking it
Since he was old enough to hold bottles
Was not supposed to get introduced to that
He don't deserve to get used to that?

?Now I ain't asking you for money or to come back to me
Some days it ain't sunny but it ain't so hard
Just breaks my heart, when I try to provide
And he say, 'Mommy, that ain't your job'?

To be a man, I try to make him understand
That I'm his number one fan
But it's like he born from the stands
You know the world is out to get him
So why don't you give him a chance??

I can't, I won't, I can't
I won't let you leave
Now, now, I don't know what you want
You want more from me

So he said to him, "I want you to be a father
I'm your little boy and you don't even bother
Like 'Brother' without the R and I'm starting to harbor
Cool and food for thought but for you I'm a starver?

Starting to use red markers on my work
My teacher say they know I'm much smarter but I'm hurt
I used to hand my homework in first
Like I was the classroom starter?

Burst to tears, let them know he see us
Now I'm fighting in class
Got a note last week that say I might not pass
Kids ask me if my daddy is sick of us
because you ain't never pick me up?

?You see what my problem is
That I don't know where my poppa is
No positive male role model
To play football and build railroad models?

?It's making a hole, you've been digging it
'Cause you ain't been kicking it
Since I was old enough to hold bottles
Wasn't supposed to get introduced to that
I don't deserve to get used to that?

?Now I ain't asking you for money or to come back to me
Some days it ain't sunny but it ain't so hard
Just breaks my heart, when my momma try to provide
And I tell her, 'That ain't your job'?

?To be a man, she try to make me understand
That she my number one fan
But it's like you born from the stands
You know the world is out to get me
Why don't you give me a chance?"

It's like, I can't, I won't, I can't
I won't let you leave
Now, now, I don't know what you want
You want more from me

I can't, I won't, I can't
I won't let you leave
I don't know what you want
You want more from me
I can't, I won't, I can't
I won't let you leave

Friday, November 20, 2009
The first book i felt in love with was Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham..(i love Dr. Seuss) i think all the rhymes kept me interested in reading as a child! Well I'm not going to lie i have not picked up a book since the Twilight series came out...i was completely addictive ...i 'm also a BIG Harry Potter fan i try reading the books but they were just way way to long and i was way way LAZY!! so i never got the argue to finish reading any of them.. though they are very interesting! but i do love the films that's the only way i can keep up! even though its a bit different from the stories..i don't read much but it's not because i think that reading is lame or anything like that it's just because I'm the type of person that needs to find a book or novel that really catches my attention and keep me guessing and wanting more, that's the only way i can keep myself on finishing up without losing interest. I personally enjoy reading when i find the right book i get so into's like my moment addiction...
i have learned so many new things from king corn and chew on this involving of my daily eats that i was lefted speechless..ikno that many in class felt the same way! how gross, i had no i dea that we are made of corn simply because of what we daily consume is fed with corn and how we are pretty much eating pesticide's because that's what the daily meat and fruits that we consume fed,i truly feel like taking a stand it time that we are all told exactly what is the secret ingredient in our foods.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Music is a big part of my life..i listen to it no matter if I'm happy,angry or got the plain old blues.there isn't a day that i go without it.. its like my morphine that gets me through the day. I listen to pretty much everything from Rock, Latin, hip hop, pop, jazz, Metal, old school classic,Old, new doesn't really matter I don't JUDGE when it comes to music! I listen to artist like Breaking Benjamin, 10 years,Ill nino, Jay-Z, Nirvana,Celia Cruz, Nujabes you name it! .. i even like Marvin Gaye and Kenny G and I am not afraid to say it. I also go through my weekly playlist, this past week was throwback OLD SKOOL(WESTCOAST) I was listening to Cypresshill, Tupac, and Bone Thugs-N-Harmony none stop and days like today I'm all 80's throwback top playlist The Police.I do have to admit that my top influences are rock classic from late 60's early 70's(the birth of PHYCHEDELIC music!) I mean those were the years when the greatest rock n roll music came about, for instance Jimi Hendrix(The Jimi Hendrix Experience),U2,The Jefferson Airplane and Led Zeppelin, which to me are the best bands ever made, they all took it to a whole different level, With song like "All Along the Watchtower" which was written by Bob Dylan and recorded By the Great Jimi Hendrix, or U2's song "Pride" (in the name of love) which Bono wrote for Martin Luther King jr. I am also really into foreign artist like Nujabes,Fat Jon and Tsutchie I found out about them through the anime show Samurai Champloo, they were chosen to make the anime background music, their style is very different it's new jazz, classical,electric meets hip-hop, their music is just so relaxing,(they are on my top playlist when I'm doing my homework!)Anyways as you can see Music is my escape from this stressful world, i don't think i know what i would do without music.