Friday, November 20, 2009

lets c ...on wed.morning i had a plain bagel with a cup of coffee for breadfast later on for lunch i had a salad with chicken and rice with corn which was some leftover from dinner which my cousin prepered, ever since i moved out from my parents i have been eating heathier especially for lunch one reason i live with my cousin now and they alwayz (just like in my parents house they always cook)i cook to when ever i get the chance and the other reason is my job..because i getout of school and have to go right to work i dont have time to stop by any fast food resturants WHICH BY THE WAY IS GOOD specially after reading CHEW ON THIS!!!!!!EWWW!! N.E.WAyz later on i had a tuna sandwhich with some apple sauce and orange juice for dinner....i have been eatin pretty boring lately but healthier i guess!

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