Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009
The first book i felt in love with was Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham..(i love Dr. Seuss) i think all the rhymes kept me interested in reading as a child! Well I'm not going to lie i have not picked up a book since the Twilight series came out...i was completely addictive ...i 'm also a BIG Harry Potter fan i try reading the books but they were just way way to long and i was way way LAZY!! so i never got the argue to finish reading any of them.. though they are very interesting! but i do love the films that's the only way i can keep up! even though its a bit different from the stories..i don't read much but it's not because i think that reading is lame or anything like that it's just because I'm the type of person that needs to find a book or novel that really catches my attention and keep me guessing and wanting more, that's the only way i can keep myself on finishing up without losing interest. I personally enjoy reading when i find the right book i get so into's like my moment addiction...

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